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     When I was a small child I loved to create characters and stories.  I used to spend hours drawing comics, and used to imagine an entirely different world existed right outside my front door.  This interest in creating stories, characters, and in short summary, bringing my imagination to life is what has most certainly led to my extreme interest in CG animation.

     Another interest stemming from my childhood also pushed me towards CG animation, and this was my interest in computers.  My interest in fantasy worlds and imagination lead me to fall in love with both video games and CG film alike, and out of my love for these types of media, I quickly became familiar with computers and their workings.

     During the summer between my 7th and 8th year of school, I took an interest in matching drawings I had made with music.  Eventually my experimentation lead to a very poor form of lip syncing, but lip syncing nonetheless.  I remember thinking how perfect it was.  Computers and art fused together.  This was the time I decided I wanted to be an animator.

For the next few years, I had every intention of becoming a 2D animator, however during my senior year of high school, I began experimenting with Blender, and quickly fell in love with the 3D medium.

  I chose to go to school at BGSU for my undergraduate degree because of the achievement level of some of their alumni.  During my sophomore year I undertook a minor in computer science to complement my computer based career choice.

I began animation in a desire to create, and that desire burns more intensely everyday.


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